Curator Tool "How-To" Videos

These videos illustrate basic Curator Tools concepts and features. Note: Some videos require Adobe's Flash Player.

Curator Tool Interface Overview

This video provides a brief overview of the main Curator Tool window.

Resizing and Arranging Data Grid Columns

Similarities between Excel (and other spreadsheets) and the Curator Tool's datagrid are discussed.

Dataview Basics

Dataviews are the backbone for the Curator Tool. In this video, you will learn how to switch between dataviews as well as load additional dataviews that are not initially visible.

Using and Building Lists

Curator Tool users create lists to track and manage accessions, inventory, orders, etc.

Useful List Features

Explains various list features for working effectively

Creating Custom List Names

List names can be assigned with custom names to met a user's needs

Dynamic Folders

Dynamic folders query the database for all records matching the folder's search criteria

Edit Mode's Visual Clues

The Curator Tool provides visual clues to assist you while editing.

Edit's Fill Down (Ctrl-D) Shortcut

Using this handy shortcut, you can easily copy a cell to the cells below.

Create a New Record

Learn how to create a new accession record.

Switching Between Datasheet and Form Views

In the datasheet (or grid) view, you see multiple records, but a few columns at a time. Selecting a record and switching to the form view makes it possible to see many fields from one record.

Searching for a Range

You can search for a range of records, by specifying a beginning and ending criteria.

Dragging Records from the Search Grid to the Curator Tool

After searching and locating records from the GG database, you can drag them from the Search window into the Curator Tool, for review or future access. This video also shows how to filter the search results.

Editing GG Data in a Spreadsheet

"Block" Copying of Data from the Curator Tool to a Spreadsheet, editing, and copying back to the Curator Tool

Basics of Adding Many Records to the Curator Tool

You can easily copy many rows from a spreadsheet into the Curator Tool. By understanding the basics demonstrated in this video, you will be able to import any kind and any number of records into the Curator Tool.

Bulk Adding Names

You can easily copy data from a spreadsheet into GG. This video demonstrates how to "bulk add" many accession names records from a spreadsheet.

Public Website Overview

Video introduces the basics of the Public Website interface.You can easily copy data from a spreadsheet into GG.